
Merle Guild Post 208



Join the Junior Auxiliary! 


Girls ages birth to 17 can join the junior auxiliary of the

American Legion Post 208.


Membership: $10/year


Why Join?

ALA Junior members volunteer with other girls in their age group in many engaging activities:

If you are a female ALA member 17 years of age or younger and love our country, imagine attending a regional or national meeting focused on Junior Activities with a hundred girls who could become your lifelong friends! The American Legion Auxiliary encourages young women to lead the way in continuing its legacy of serving veterans, the military, and their families. 


More info On American Legion Junior Aux Website

Juniors 4/22/2023 Meeting - "Junior Conference" More Photos from this event HERE

Juniors 1/8/2023 Meeting - "Poppy Creations"

More Junior Aux Meeting Pictures in our Gallery Here